Lifestyle Package
This lifestyle package provides up to a 48 point assessment of how your current lifestyle is affecting important functions in your body. This package measures markers linked to metabolic health, cardiovascular risk and organ function. With an in-depth panel of blood tests carried out this package highlights any areas that might otherwise go undetected.
LIFESTYLE PACKAGE is available for £199 and includes laboratory analysed blood tests.
Full details of what is included is listed below.
Personal Health Measurements
The basics can tell us a lot about the stress we are experiencing:
Height & weight –an overview of general body mass and ability to calculate BMI.
Resting pulse –an indication of general health and fitness.
Oxygen saturation – measurement of blood oxygen levels at rest.
Blood pressure – significant risk factor in cardiovascular disease. Optimising this result is important for future health
Blood tests
An advanced profile targeting the functions affected by your lifestyle:
Full Blood Count – measurement of Haemoglobin to check for conditions such as anaemia, white blood cells which fight infection and platelets which contribute to blood clotting.
Kidney function – measurement of how the kidneys are performing.
Liver function –measure liver enzymes. Abnormalities can point to early liver disease prior to the onset of other symptoms.
Ferritin/B12/folate – essential for the function of cells and red blood cell production. Low levels can lead to variety of symptoms including fatigue.
Thyroid function – important for baseline metabolism and energy. Low levels can lead to multiple symptoms including fatigue.
HbA1c – a blood glucose reading which gives average of past 3 months. This gives excellent overview of average blood glucose control and risk of diabetes.
Vitamin D – essential for cell functions. Usually obtained through direct light and diet intake.
Risk Scoring
Accumulating a variety of measurements to let you know the risk of continuing with your current lifestyle:
ASSIGN score – a cardiovascular risk score based on numerous measurements and cholesterol levels. This shows individual risk of cardiovascular disease in the next 10 years.
Q-Diabetes – based on HbA1c reading, personal and medical history this gives a 10 year risk of developing diabetes.
How do I know if this package is right for me?
We understand that everyones needs are different. This package is a great way to get an insight into or track your bodies response to your current lifestyle. We also offer other Health & Fitness packages that might be of interest to you. If you want to discuss your specific requirements further, please give our team a call on 0141 616 6161 and someone will be happy to chat you through the available options . You can also email us at or raise a query on our website.
This cost for this package is £199.