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Last updated: 6.30am, Friday 17th March 2023 by

The theme for this years World Sleep Day is: Sleep is Essential for Health(1). People should think about sleep like they do other important healthy behaviours such as exercise as something to reflect upon and, when appropriate, improve so that one can feel better and remain healthier over time.

[ Lourdes DelRosso, MD, PhD, Co-Chair of World Sleep Day 2023 ]

We mentioned in our previous blog in 2021, about the benefits of a good night’s sleep; physically, mentally, and socially. On the downside to lack of sleep, The Sleep Charity (2) have also highlighted the problems with poor sleep.

• 20% of Road deaths related to fatigue.
• 40% of adults and children suffer with sleep issues.
• £40.2 billion cost to UK economy caused by sleep deprivation.

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The World Sleep Society (3) note that poor sleep has been linked to obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cardiovascular mortality. They also mention that poor sleep can result in reduced reaction times, impaired judgment, and cognitive impairment similar in effect to alcohol intoxication.

Lack of good quality sleep can have a significant impact on us especially at our work and sport.

Hampden sports clinic, good sleep, sleep hygiene, sleep health, hampden sports clinic, glasgow physio, physiotherapy, glasgow healthy,

Healthy sleep is more than simple duration.Three elements of good quality sleep are:

  • Duration: The length of sleep should be sufficient for the sleeper to be rested and alert the following day.

  • Continuity: Sleep periods should be seamless without disruption.

  • Depth: Sleep should be deep enough to be restorative.

Hampden sports clinic, good sleep, sleep hygiene, sleep health, hampden sports clinic, glasgow physio, physiotherapy, glasgow healthy,

Sleep is a pillar of human health.
Sleep is essential to health. It is a critical pillar of health, like nutrition and physical activity.

  • Sleep helps support memory and learning.
  • Sleep helps clear waste from the brain and promote brain health.
  • Sleep supports brain health, and brain health supports sleep.
  • Sleep supports immune health, and immune health supports sleep.
  • Sleep helps the immune system to clear bacteria and viruses.

Hampden sports clinic, good sleep, sleep hygiene, sleep health, hampden sports clinic, glasgow physio, physiotherapy, glasgow healthy,
Anyone having significant problems with their sleep should discuss this with their GP.



Hampden sports clinic, good sleep, sleep hygiene, sleep health, hampden sports clinic, glasgow physio, physiotherapy, glasgow healthy,