VPulse Compression Unit
At Hampden Sports Clinic we are always looking to invest in the latest treatment technologies to improve the services available to you. This is why we have added the V pulse compression unit to our practice. Find out how V Pulse Compression Unit can help you on your journey back to pain free movement!
Introducing the VPulse Compression Unit.
The VPulse combines cold therapy with compression therapy to aid with management of acute/chronic swollen joints. This treatment is recommended by some orthopaedic surgeons that we work with for the first 2 weeks after joint replacement surgery, Knee ligament reconstruction, knee joint arthroscopy and ankle arthroscopy and ligament repair. This will help to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation and allow the joint to settle quicker post procedure which will allow the patient to start the rehab process earlier with reduced pain.
Some of the benefits:
- Reduces pain and swelling.
- Speeds up recovery process.
- Convenient Home Therapy - easy to use.
- Improves patient comfort during recovery.
Comfort of cold and compression therapy improves patient compliance.
At Hampden Sports Clinic we offer these units to rent:
1 week hire = £75
2 week hire = £125
Cuff (one off fee) = £75
Get in touch today if you are interested.
To book a unit please email info@hampdensportsclinic.com

I had a total knee replacement in July after day surgery. The surgeon had mentioned cryotherapy during my last pre-surgery appointment but clarified that unfortunately it wasn’t currently available on the NHS. The surgeon suggested I contact Hampden Sports Clinic as they were able to rent a unit to me. The physiotherapist at Hampden was able to demonstrate how to use it and I started using the therapy on the very day I was discharged from hospital. It was very easy to use, and it helped with pain relief, reduced my swelling, minimised the bruising post-surgery aided the overall healing process. I would definitely recommend using cryotherapy as part of your rehabilitation.
( Trish Cowie - 30th November 2023 )